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To enable contact and access to school premises, particularly in the event of a major incident, we need to ensure the school emergency contact list is up-to-date.

It is important to keep the contact details updated, accurate and complete to enable us to do this. If you have not updated this information for the current academic year, please complete the school emergency contact details form.

We may need to contact the school about reported incidents, such as break-ins or damage to premises, outside of normal working hours. In the event of a major incident, emergency planning may wish to access the premises.

Emergency planning deal with a range of emergencies. Major emergency plans are developed and maintained to ensure the effective delivery of our duties. Planning for emergencies ensures that we can better communicate and coordinate our efforts, so agencies can act quickly to provide support to those involved in a major incident in Derbyshire.

Due to the list containing personal contact details of school staff, this information is, and will only be accessible to, designated officers where it is appropriate to their role.