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Governor support services offered to schools and academies.

We are here to help schools recruit governors and support governors in their role by providing information, training and personalised advice.

We also offer training for governors and clerks to governors.

Who is this service for?

This service is for nursery, primary, special and secondary schools and academies.

About this service

The Governor Support Service is here to support governing boards by providing information, training and personalised advice. 


The Governor Support Service provides expert support and advice to school governing boards, enabling them to work effectively and efficiently in order to raise the achievement of all pupils under their care.  We offer a helpline to governors and clerks and publish regular newsletters. A variety of training is available via our termly training and development brochure and we also offer customised cluster training sessions for governing boards.

More details

The Governor Support Service assists governing boards in a number of ways:

  • Governor strategic briefings
  • Briefings for chairs and clerks to governors
  • Standard and customised training for governors, chairs and clerks to governors
  • Regular governing board newsletters
  • Model agenda and briefing notes guidance
  • Telephone and email helpline
  • A dedicated section for governors and clerk to governors on S4S
  • Clerks to governors handbook.

Model agenda and briefing pack

A service that alerts the governing board to key issues each term in the form of a model agenda plus comprehensive and updated briefing notes for governors, the headteacher and the clerk to governors.

Governor Strategic Briefings

This is an opportunity to be updated on key issues, held termly.

Standard training

These are open courses available to all governors. The programme includes induction courses for new governors and specific training sessions for clerk to governors.  

Customised training

The Governor Support Service is able to offer a range of training and development courses to individual school governing boards and groups of governors within local School Improvement Cluster groups. Courses are individually priced according to the length and course content, but all offer excellent value for money.

Clerk to Governors Handbook

The handbook contains up-to-date advice, guidance and procedural information to assist clerks in their role.

Local authority governors

Please email: if the local authority governor position on your governing board becomes vacant. We will work with you to try to identify and nominate suitable candidates. The process for the appointment of local authority governors can be downloaded from the related documents section on S4S.

You can also access our subscription packages on the Derbyshire Services for Schools website.

Contact us

For more information and other services we offer please visit the school governors section of the Derbyshire County Council website or contact us:

Governor support helpline tel: 01629 535769