We provide hundreds of different courses and conferences that are available to all schools.
As well as our programme of training courses and conferences we can offer bespoke courses and training including:
- leadership and management
- supporting self-evaluation and school improvement planning
- quality of teaching and learning
- teaching and learning in Foundation Stage and Key Stages 1, 2, 3 and 4
What we offer
Teaching and learning subject development:
- information and communication technology
- english
- mathematics
- early years
- personal, social and health education
- health and well being
- special educational needs
- teaching and learning
In addition we offer targeted Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and training for schools linked to:
- small schools
- appraisal
- teaching and learning
Our full programme and costs are listed on Derbyshire Services for Schools
Choose us
We are the leading provider of support and training, and advice, for Derbyshire schools because we have extensive knowledge and experience developed over many years.
We know our schools well and are skilled in identifying appropriate support from advisory colleagues, system leaders across the county and a range of high quality partners, for example Teaching School Alliances.
Quality assurance
We aim to provide you with a high quality service that is responsive to your needs and offers you prompt attention and wherever possible, choice and flexibility. We will:
- seek feedback on our performance and value for money
- incorporate your suggestions for improvement wherever possible
- ensure that we provide good value for money
Contact us
email: S4S.training@derbyshire.gov.uk