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Information for schools on school admission appeals and forms to complete to assist in producing appeal statements.

The school admission appeals code places a legal duty on all admission authorities to inform parents of their right to an appeal to an independent admission appeal panel when they inform a parent of a decision to refuse their child at a place at a school for which they have applied.

Appeals timescales:

Parents lodging an appeal

The appeals code requires that appellants are allowed at least 20 school days from the date of notification that their application was unsuccessful  to prepare and lodge their written appeal.

Deadlines for appeals to be heard

For intake decisions notified on National Offer Day, appeals must be heard within 40 school days of the deadline set for appeals to be lodged, this is shown on our timescales displayed elsewhere on SchoolsNet.
All other appeals must be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.

Information Requests

When we receive appeals for your school, we will contact you asking you to provide us with information about numbers on roll, school organisation and the school’s individual circumstances to help us write the admission authority’s statement to explain why the application was refused.

You will find in the related documents section of this page further information and templates for you to complete and return to us for appeals relating to your school.  

Also see