Safeguarding training information.
In accordance with statutory guidance for schools and colleges, all staff members in contact with children should receive appropriate child protection training annually.
It is also best practice for safeguarding designated leads in the school and/or pastoral staff to undertake training with other partners, for example, health, police and social care. This is known as multi-agency training and should be done at least every 2 or 3 years.
Where to find safeguarding training:
Services 4 Schools
There is a training area on Derbyshire Services 4 Schools. This covers all safeguarding training delivered by Derbyshire County Council and partners. This is where you can also book onto the designated safeguarding lead forums.
Safeguarding training team
This team offers targeted safeguarding training specifically for schools and colleges (maintained, private and academies) which includes designated safeguarding lead, managing allegations and safer recruitment.
Further information is available by contacting
Training from the Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Partnership
The Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Partnership offer multi-agency training and development for staff, helping them to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people. We provide a range of courses for agencies and practitioners working in Derbyshire and Derby City.
The purpose of multi-agency training is to help practitioners achieve the following:
- collaborate effectively with colleagues across organisational boundaries
- understand each other's roles and responsibilities
- know what services are available locally for children and families
- share knowledge and expertise
- understand how different agencies operate
- recognise the value of multi-disciplinary working in safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.
There is a list of approved independent trainers which have been validated by the Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Partnership, which can be found on their relevant websites. In addition, there are also the details of the latest Derbyshire training directory.
Prevent / extremism training
Prevent is a statutory duty under Section 26 of the Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015 for many agencies. This means that we must have "due regard to the need to prevent people being drawn into terrorism" in our day-to-day work.
All front line staff from specified agencies need to have an awareness of Prevent to comply with this new legislation.
There are several courses available to help develop your understanding of the new Prevent duty. A brief outline and the target audience for each course is available on Safer Derbyshire and the training pages.
The NSPCC offer Continuing Professional Development (CPD) certified courses delivered by their experts nationwide and online that enable you to grow your child protection knowledge and skills.
Face to face courses including:
- introduction to child protection
- designated safeguarding lead for schools and colleges in England course - training for a lead safeguarding role and its main responsibilities
- designated safeguarding officer training. This training is for anyone responsible with receiving concerns about the safety and welfare of children and young people.
- child protection refresher course.
Online courses:
- child protection in schools
- keeping children safe online
- child protection course: an introduction
- safer recruitment in education course - training to help you recruit staff or volunteers in schools, academies or colleges.
The safeguarding and child protection self-assessment tool is a free resource which can be used by the designated safeguarding lead in schools in England to assess how well they are meeting statutory and recommended safeguarding practices. It includes useful resources, links to relevant guidance and training and advice on what action to take.
This tool is a joint initiative between the NSPCC and TES.