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Posted on 29 September 2023

Free training available to school staff to better recognise potential victims and understand where support is available.

Did you know?

In every class there will be at least 1 child or young person that has been living with domestic abuse since they were born.

Sexual assault and abuse is most prevalent in the 16-24 age category and in Derbyshire, in 2022-2023, 51% of sexual abuse reports, came from young people under the age of 18.

The Community Safety Team would like to highlight free training that is available to school staff to better recognise potential victims and where support is available. To access the courses on the following links, you will need to be signed in to the Derbyshire Learning Online website, prior to selecting a link.

Domestic Abuse Awareness is a 2 hour webinar designed for frontline Derbyshire practitioners who have little or no knowledge about domestic abuse and who want to know what it is, and the different forms it takes, including control and coercion. You will also learn about the support on offer for victims in Derbyshire.

Let’s Talk About Sexual Assault and Sexual Abuse is a 1.5 hour webinar and is delivered in partnership with SV2 and SAIL. It is designed for frontline Derbyshire practitioners who have little or no knowledge about sexual abuse and who want to know what it is and understand the signs and indicators.

These webinars are free to anyone that works in Derbyshire (excluding Derby City) and can be booked on Derbyshire Learning Online. If you need any further information, please email

More information on Community Safety Courses, is available on the Derbyshire Learning Online website.

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