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Place factor commissioning for special schools and enhanced resource provision within mainstream schools.

This document sets out the operational procedure within Derbyshire Local Authority for the commissioning of the number of places within specialist provision in Derbyshire, in accordance with the High Needs Funding Operational Guidance published annually by the DfE. The process applies equally to maintained and academy special schools, mainstream schools with specialist enhanced resource (ERS) provision and Support Centres, sited within the geographical area covered by Derbyshire Local Authority.

For special schools and mainstream schools with ERS provision, the process is pertinent to the numbers of pupils who have been issued with an Education, Health, and Care Plan (‘EHCP’), as admission to all such schools is determined through the naming of that school in Section I of an EHCP. For Support Centres this protocol concerns all pupils admitted.

If you have any queries, please contact Steve Parfitt, SEND Commissioning Manager;

Or contact the School Finance Team;