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SAP Fiori - User guides for payments to vendors.

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Payment of low value invoices through the schools imprest account

Guidance in relation to the payment of low value invoices and online purchases.

This includes purchases made via Amazon, so please ensure to read the revised audit guidance on Amazon business accounts attached to this page.

Amazon EU SRL vendor number 20032081 was blocked on Thursday July 11 2019.

If you wish to purchase from Amazon then please consult the ‘Revised Audit Guidance on Amazon business account’ on how to make payment through your imprest account.

If you need additional funds then you will need to complete the MD13I Summary of Account Imprest top-up form to top up your account, or if the need is urgent then please contact who will provide you with the MD45 form for completion.

Instalments are paid into school imprest accounts in April and August (unless the balance of the account already exceeds the annual amount) and are based on historical amounts held centrally by the accountancy section. If you find these amounts are no longer adequate for the usage of the account then these can be changed by e-mailing

New training courses are now published on the Derbyshire Learning Online website (DLO).

SAP Fiori – Approving VIM Invoices video for schools

SAP Fiori – Coding Vendor Invoices video for schools

Also see