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Information about the process for offsite direction and managed moves.

Update to offsite direction and managed move changes - new process from September 2024

The new offsite direction notification and review forms are now live. For all new offsite directions starting from 1 September 2024 onwards, there is a new process for offsite direction and managed move notification. The school in which the pupil originates from (home school) will need to alert the local authority of each offsite direction by completing a new Granicus Offsite Direction Notification form. The notification form highlights the start date and estimated end date, and includes confirmation of the number of hours' education offered at the nominated offsite direction school.

Additionally, there is the expectation that schools update the LA of the outcome by completing the Offsite Direction Outcome Review form. Outcomes include: an extension of the offsite direction original timescale; a return to original school (with return date), or alternatively a permanent managed move to the new school (with start date). In order to meet requirements associated with EHCP pupils attending mainstream schools, it is important that the notification forms are completed as soon as they occur.

Offsite direction

Offsite direction is when a governing board of a maintained school requires a pupil to attend another education setting to improve their behaviour. For maintained schools, if a pupil has an EHCP, then the governing board must inform the local authority in writing, of details about the placement as soon as practicable after the direction has been made, and no later than two school days before the relevant day. There is a duty that all parents (regardless of their child’s SEND status) are also notified in writing of the placement details. Whilst the legislation does not apply to academies, they can arrange offsite provision for such purposes under their general powers. Therefore the LA is requesting that following on from existing practices within Derbyshire, all schools continue to send notification and review documentation.

Please see DfE statutory guidance document: Suspension and permanent exclusion from maintained schools, academies and pupil referral units in England, including pupil movement (August 2024). (Paragraphs 36-47 relate to offsite directions, and paragraphs 48-52 to managed moves).

Where in school, interventions or targeted support have not been successful in improving a pupil’s behaviour, an offsite direction should be used to arrange time limited placements at an alternative provision or another mainstream school.

Managed moves

A managed move is used to initiate a process which leads to the transfer of a pupil to another mainstream school permanently. Managed moves should be voluntary and agreed with all parties involved, including the parents and the admission authority of the new school. Managed moves should only occur when it is in the pupil’s best interests.

Attendance regulations

  • Depending on the pupil’s individual needs and circumstances, an offsite direction can be full-time or a combination of part-time support in alternative provision and continued mainstream education. Please note that if total number of hours of weekly educational provision is under 25 hours (across all provisions), then a part-time timetable notification form will need to be completed.
  • During the offsite direction to another school, pupils must be dual registered.
  • Code B should only be used for any offsite educational activity, if the provision is an approved educational activity that does not involve the pupil being registered at any other school.
  • For example, where Derbyshire schools are sending a pupil on offsite direction to another school, then the pupil should be dual registered. The original school (A) will record the pupil as dual registered and the offsite direction school (B) should record at dual registered subsidiary. Actual day-to-day attendance or absence is attributed to the offsite direction school (B).  Additionally, the offsite direction school (B) would carry any suspensions against their school. If the offsite direction breaks down before the allocated time period, then the pupil would return to original school (A). If the incident at the offsite direction school (B) was significant enough to warrant a PEX, then the original school (A) would need to consider the evidence collated from the offsite direction school (B).
  • For managed moves which are defined as permanent moves to another school, the original school should then off-roll the pupil and send in a CML file, whilst the receiving school should put the pupil on roll as main, and send in a CMJ file.

To facilitate this change, schools need to set up a Granicus account for the school contact/s that notify the local authority. This will enable the school to save a copy of the offsite direction notification and outcome form for internal school records. Please note, if schools have existing Granicus accounts for Inclusion Panel or TPP,  then school access is already in place.

Please address queries to the Exclusion and Access Team (previously known as the Inclusion Team) at:

Also see