Information relating to transportation, health and safety, childcare, attendance management, exclusion advice, services for children in care and catering.
Attendance management and exclusions guidance and information.
Inclusion Support Advisory Service, Nurture team, Positive Play support team and Outdoor learning information.
This section explains our procedures for when a child is withdrawn from school to be educated at home.
Information, guidance and useful links relating to the education of children in care.
Equality and diversity information, guidance and useful links
Guidance relating to health and wellbeing in children.
Guidance from Derbyshire County Council regarding free school meals.
Guidance from Derbyshire County Council regarding school meals including free school meals.
Information and guidance for families and children.
Information about school transport, b_line and sustainable travel.
The number of new or updated content items in the past 7 days.
Derbyshire County Council has a requirement to collect part-time timetable information from all schools.
DIASS provides information, advice and support to parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities.
b_line – the student travel, discount and library card scheme for young people living in Derbyshire.
Derbyshire's Virtual School aims to enhance the life opportunities for children in care by supporting their education and enabling them to achieve their full potential.
Education and Early Years Providers: Health protection.
Local authority employees can sign up to our salary sacrifice cycle to work scheme − and earn a tax-free bike.
With effect from 1 September 2024, the Inclusion team will now be known as Exclusion and Access team.
We need more homes for children in care in Derbyshire, that's why we've launched a county wide campaign to help us find foster carers and adoptive parents.
Healthy Steps is an 8-week email programme to support families to make healthier choices, including easy tips, budget-friendly recipes, family challenges and more.
Information for schools on pupil entitlements to home to school transport.
The five ways to wellbeing are simple things you can do every day to help boost your mood and keep you happy.
Supporting children's mental health and wellbeing, launching February 2020.
Information about the process for offsite direction and managed moves.
Schools provide an important setting for promoting health which can easily be integrated into general health promotion, school curriculum and activities.
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