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Guidance for the designated teacher responsible for looked after children in schools.

Under the Children and Young Persons Act 2008, from 2009 the governing bodies of all maintained schools are required to appoint a designated teacher to promote the educational achievement of looked after children who are on the school roll. Guidance on the roles and responsibilities of a designated teacher can be found on GOV.UK.

Improving the attainment of looked after children

For many children in care, school life can be challenging. They may find it harder to trust adults, their educational experience may have been disrupted and their capacity to build and maintain friendships may be impaired. They need good schools, with good staff who understand how to support and challenge them.

Good schools can be the key to their success. School can provide the stability they need, a safe place in a turbulent world, an opportunity to excel, a route map out of their difficulties into a more positive future.

A good school, which gets to know its pupils and aims to meet their individual needs, will take on the task naturally. Information in the guides should assist staff to feel more confident in facing any challenges these children present and fulfilling the potential each child has.

GOV.UK has guidance for designated teachers on:

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