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Posted on 30 May 2024

Derbyshire 'My Life, My View’ Youth Wellbeing Survey 2023

The summary report of the 2023 My Life My View Emotional Well-being survey is now available to view on the Derbyshire Observatory website.

Completion of the 2024 My Life My View survey

The 2024 survey is currently available for completion by all secondary schools with students in academic years 8 – 11.

The 'MLMV' youth wellbeing survey can provide crucial insights into the emotional health and well-being of young people during their secondary education years. Having local data specific to Derbyshire can enable targeted prevention activities to address the unique needs of the community.

The deadline for completion is Friday 28 June 2024.

For further information please contact Dr David Regis at School Health Education Unit (SHEU):


Or alternatively, contact Alison Davies at Derbyshire County Council:


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