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Derbyshire County Council has a requirement to collect part-time timetable information from all schools.

The part-time timetable guidance aims to clarify the definition of part-time timetables and re-emphasises that parental consent, agency involvement and a robust multi-agency plan are an essential requirement, prior to a part-time timetable commencing. This is of particular significance for both children in care and children and young people with an Education and Health Care Plan.

The notification process includes links to online forms for:

  • initial notification
  • changes to hours
  • closure
  • nil returns

New documents produced by colleagues within the Inclusion Support Service have been produced to help assist schools further with planning and reviewing PTTTs, and include: a process flowchart, PTTT checklist and guidance notes, PTTT reintegration and review plans (including relevant key information pupil voice, parents and school planning documents). Please note: these are for schools to utilise as appropriate but don’t need to be returned to the local authority.

Please address queries regarding the part-time timetables guidance to the following email:

Alternatively, if there are technical queries associated with the completion and uploading of the notification forms, please email:

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