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The following information is for headteachers and governors about possible sources of funding available for capital schemes.

Basic Need (BN)

This funding is to provide essential additional school places in areas of population growth. Whilst allocations are made to local authorities, the Department for Education (DfE) expects that the funds should be used to provide places in any type of school (including all types of maintained schools, academies and free schools) in order to ensure sufficient places.

Basic need resources are allocated to local authorities on the basis of 'relative need'. For this purpose, 'need' is measured in terms of forecast pupil growth for the period (provided by local authorities through the school capacity returns). Weightings are applied to take account of whether places are in primary or secondary schools and are also adjusted to reflect the relative costs of building work in different regions across the country.

Officers make recommendations of basic need projects for inclusion in the capital programme to elected members, based on an analysis of school net capacity assessments, current and projected numbers on roll, together with knowledge of any future housing development within normal areas.

Capital Maintenance (CM)

The capital maintenance funding provides resources for authorities to improve and upgrade the condition of schools in line with priorities set out in local asset management plans.

This funding is allocated to local authorities on the basis of 'relative need'. For this purpose 'need' is measured in terms of schools and pupils (for those schools which expected to be maintained by the local authority as at 1 April). Weightings are applied to take account of whether or not schools have been modernised. Allocations are also adjusted to reflect the relative costs of building work in different regions across the country.

This funding is for voluntary controlled, community and foundation schools. Allocations for Voluntary Aided (VA) schools are calculated and administered separately by diocesan authorities. The DfE retains a separate budget for academies’ capital maintenance needs.

Officers make recommendations of projects suitable for funding from this allocation to elected members on a priority basis according to building condition. Officers are supported by advice from colleagues in our property section.

For further Information and advice on basic need and modernisation grants, please contact your Assistant Development Officer or Jenny Webster, Head of Development - email:

Locally Controlled Voluntary Aided Programme (LCVAP)

This grant funding is to enable governing bodies to carry out improvement schemes in voluntary aided schools. This funding is now allocated directly to the diocesan authorities and the council is no longer involved.

Devolved Formula Capital (DFC)

This grant funding is devolved directly to schools to address their own priorities or to contribute to capital projects funded by us.

The Education Funding Agency (EFA) administers the grants via local authorities to voluntary controlled, community and foundation schools. Voluntary aided schools receive their grants directly.

DFC can be used to fund improvements to buildings and other facilities including IT. Schools however, are expected to concentrate this funding source on their most pressing capital priorities as identified in their AMP, with the highest priority always being given to condition type works, especially those that have an impact on health and safety.

DFC funding is allocated by formula with an amount per school and an amount per pupil. (For VA schools these are adjusted for each governing body’s contribution and eligibility for VAT).

Section 106 funding

This is a source of funding from developers, which can be used to provide and/ or enhance educational facilities. Applications to secure such funding are made by the development section through district councils, and are based on the identification of the number of primary and secondary pupils generated by a proposed development.

Income from section 106 will be notified to the development section, who will review the need for development in line with the requirement of the agreement and schools’ circumstances. Discussions will be held with the school(s), an appropriate scheme will be identified and the necessary elected member approval will be obtained.

Income from section 106 will vary in size. It is likely that the larger projects will require architectural support and will be managed by officers from the development team; the smaller amounts may be used to support school identified and self-managed projects.

Schools access Initiative (SAI)

This is funding towards minor capital improvements in schools in order to allow individual disabled/SEN students equal access. Requests for funding normally come via the Physically Impaired, Visually Impaired or Hearing Impaired Services.

For further information and advice, please contact Fiona Mosley, Assistant Development Officer - email:

Bids for funding

The Development section plays a key role in advising schools on bids for capital funding. For further advice, please contact Jenny Webster, Head of Development - email:

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