The development section has responsibility for school places planning and managing the Children's Services capital building programme.
The following information is for headteachers and governors about possible sources of funding available for capital schemes.
The Development section has responsibility for all matters concerning school places planning in addition to managing the Children's Services capital building programme.
Contact details of the Development team.
Guidance and advice for Headteachers, staff and governors about Devolved Formula Capital allocations and use of this grant funding.
Guidance for headteachers on Net Capacity Assessments of school buildings and Published Admission Numbers (PANs)
Guidance and information for headteachers and governors on the likely impact of housing development within their school's normal area
Guidance for Headteachers on the council's requirement to agree capital works on school sites.
Information for headteachers about the pupil forecasting service provided by the Development section.
Certain individual pupils may have a disability which requires specific improvements to a building or site in order to meet their needs and thus enable full access to the school and its facilities.
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