Information to support pupils with special education needs and disabilities to be used with resources held on the Derbyshire Local Offer website.
Applying for an EHC needs assessment process.
Inclusion Panel was previously Graduated response for individual pupils.
Guidance and information about support services for children and young people with SEND, and the additional responsibilities for schools.
Guidance and links relating to accessing health services and resources, including mental health services and preparing for adulthood.
Place factor commissioning for special schools and enhanced resource provision within mainstream schools.
Information about specialist services such as educational psychology, early years SEN and sensory processing needs.
The number of new or updated content items in the past 7 days.
There are currently no topics marked as important reading for this section.
Information about accessing health support services.
Support for young children who have complex special educational needs.
Adjustments and provision of equipment for individual children.
Our educational psychologists are qualified to work with children, parents and staff and are registered to practice by the Health Professions Council.
Supporting the transition of young people moving into adult life.
Introduction to the Derbyshire Local Area Sensory Processing Needs initiative.
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