Benchmarking allows you to check how your school's finances compared with other similar schools.
Schools benchmarking data for the financial year 2023 - 2024 is attached to this page.
Please note, this spreadsheet works with Excel 365 and Excel 2021 only. If you are using a desktop version of Excel which pre-dates these, you will need to open the spreadsheet via the Microsoft 365 web browser instead, which is free to use.
To do this you will need to save the spreadsheet to your computer, then sign in or create a Microsoft 365 account. Once created, open ‘Apps’ from within Microsoft 365 (on the left-hand side), select ‘Excel’ and then click ‘Upload’ and select the benchmarking spreadsheet from your computer.
The spreadsheet should open from here, however, if it doesn’t, please click on ‘My Content’ (on the left-hand side) and it should be in there where you will be able to open it. You should now be able to view the data.
If you have any queries please contact Karen Sellors, email: