Information about the range of financial, legal and insurance services we offer schools and academies together with documents and useful links.
Leasing agreements for maintained schools.
Audit services are staffed by highly qualified and experienced auditors drawn from a wide variety of professional backgrounds embracing both the public and private sectors.
A copy of your school's Consistent Financial Reporting (CFR) return has been produced, which has now been submitted to the ESFA.
Additional Educational Needs (AEN) contingency.
Copyright gives creators the freedom to decide what happens to their creations. You may use someone else's work only if you have permission by the copyright owner or if the law allows it.
The range of financial, legal and insurance services we offer to schools and academies together with documents and useful links.
Whilst Derbyshire County Council does everything it can to prevent fraud occurring and identify when it does, sometimes fraud will occur.
Issues around school lettings, particularly in relation to children's centres and extended services.
Some schools will have noticed a change to the accounting treatment of the above at the year-end. Previously this issue was dealt with outside individual schools cost centres, and schools were only affected at the point of a debt being written-off.
Your public liability insurance does not automatically cover campfires, bonfires or firework displays organised by the school.
Information regarding funding support for the purposes of risk management.
Benchmarking allows you to check how your school's finances compared with other similar schools.
To assist with effective financial management.
The timetable for preparing the year-end accounts is now available.
This guide is a supplement to the main accounts payable and accounts receivable VAT guidance.
The number of new or updated content items in the past 7 days.
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