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Posted on 3 September 2024

The Council’s Snow Warden Scheme continues to be successful with many Derbyshire schools joining the scheme, with volunteers and staff helping to clear snow and ice and grit footways and pavements in the school vicinity.

As we don’t know yet what this winter will bring, we don’t want to be caught off guard.  We have recently invited Town and Parish Councils, and community groups to register their interest in volunteering as Snow Wardens to assist with co-ordinating the clearing of footway in their local communities.

We would like to hear from you whether your school would be interested in continuing to be a member of the scheme or would like to join the scheme this year to help with keeping your local communities safe should we experience spells of bad weather.  In return for your help, we will provide you with:

  • up to a tonne of grit, free-of-charge, and delivered directly to your designated storage area, in 10 kg and/or 20 kg bags.
  • a free online training course and advice for your snow wardens/volunteers on how to clear snow and ice safely.
  • early notification of forecast bad weather.
  • a dedicated resource page for snow wardens on the Derbyshire County Council website to enable you to report your snow clearing activities and report grit bins that are empty or damage.

To register your interest please contact the team via email.

For more information please visit the Derbyshire County Council website.

Please note that the deadline for registration is 1 November 2024, unfortunately we will not be able to guarantee the free delivery of salt prior to the onset of winter for any registrations received after this date.

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